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Tanned Furs

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Picture of this lot Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Mt. Beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Resides in forests of Western Oregon, Washington and NW California, ~13" long plus extra short tail, extra dark reddish brown color, super heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET, it appears that most claw hulls are missing; ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except quarter size bare spot on left hip area; ; scattered bare spots, dime size and smaller, on posterior abdomen; ~3/4 x 1/2" bare spot on back of neck. SUITABLE FOR LIFE-SIZE by competent taxidermist if can use without claw hulls and work around bare spots ... $175.00 /eaFR-112

More about this lot > Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Mt. Beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Resides in forests of Western Oregon, Washington and NW California, ~13" long plus extra short tail, extra dark reddish brown color, extra super heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET, it appears that most claw hulls are missing; ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except ~4 x up to 2" wide bare area on abdomen; ~1 x 1" bare area on posterior left side of back; ~dime size bare area on left shoulder; bare spot on rear each upper rear leg. SUITABLE FOR LIFE-SIZE by competent taxidermist if can use without claw hulls and work around bare spots. Can be used for pose where animal is half out of hole, being carried in mouth of predator, etc. ... $80.00 /eaFR-112

More about this lot > Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Mt. Beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Resides in forests of Western Oregon, Washington and NW California, ~12" long plus extra short tail, extra dark reddish brown color, extra heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET, it appears that most claw hulls are missing; ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except ~3/4" x 1/2" bare area on outer left shoulder; ~3/4 x 1/4: bare spot between shoulders; two ~1" x 1/8" longitudinal bare area just posterior o front legskins. ~1.25 x 1/2" hole in right flank; pea size hole in lower back. Eye-holes enlarged. ... $155.00 /eaFR-112

More about this lot > Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Mt. Beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Resides in forests of Western Oregon, Washington and NW California, ~14" long plus extra short tail, extra dark reddish brown color, extra heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET, it appears that most claw hulls are missing; ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except ~2 x 1/2" holes in mid abdomen; ~1x1" bare spot in back; ~2 x 1.75" bare area on posterior right side of back; ~2.5 x up to 1" bare area on posterior edge of hide just to left of base of tail; three smaller bare spots on anterior back of hide. Specimen skin ... $65.00 /eaFR-112

More about this lot > Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Mt. Beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Resides in forests of Western Oregon, Washington and NW California, ~14" long plus extra short tail, extra dark reddish brown color, extra heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET, it appears that most claw hulls are missing; ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except abdomen ~half bare; ~1.25 x 1/4" bare area just to right of base of tail; ~2" x 1.5" x 1.25" triangular bare area on left hip; scattered small bare spots between shoulders. ... $85.00 /eaFR-112

More about this lot > Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Mt. Beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Resides in forests of Western Oregon, Washington and NW California, ~12" long plus extra short tail, extra dark reddish brown color, extra super heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET, it appears that most claw hulls are missing; ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except ~2.5 x up to 2" bare area on posterior abdominal edge; ~2.25 x 1/4" longitudinal bare area on right flank. Nice skin ... $99.95 /eaFR-112

More about this lot > Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Mt. Beaver, Aplodontia rufa. Resides in forests of Western Oregon, Washington and NW California, ~14" long plus extra short tail, extra dark reddish brown color, heavy early winter fur, cased, HAS FEET, it appears that most claw hulls are missing; ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except pea size bare spot on right side of neck; some hairs missing from abdomen from between front legs. SUITABLE FOR LIFE-SIZE ... $299.95 /eaFR-112

More about this lot > Tanned Mountain Beaver Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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7 records found at 3/25/2025 17:57 Pacific Time

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