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Specials | Items Under $2 | Items $2 to $5 | Items $5 to $10

Antlers and Horns

2392-0439 Complete, under .5 lbs/side, 3+ pts/side, in addition to brow tine if present, brown, from sets, #1 select quality ... $ 13.50 /ea; SALE: 10+ $ 9.95 /ea
2392-0440 Complete, .5-1 lbs/side, 3+ pts/side, in addition to brow tine if present, brown color, sheds, #1 select quality ... $ 18.00 /ea; SALE: 10+ $ 15.00 /ea
2392-0441 Complete, .5 - 1 lbs/side, 3+ pts/side, in addition to brow tine if present, brown color, from sets, #1 select quality ... $ 17.50 /ea; SALE: 10+ $ 14.50 /ea
2394-0101 COMPLETE SIDES, #1 SELECT QUALITY, spikes, 5"+ /side, from sets, brown color, #1 select quality. ... $ 4.95 /ea; SALE: $ 3.95 /ea
2394-0107 COMPLETE SIDES, #1 SELECT QUALITY, spikes, under 3" long, from sets, brown color, #1 select quality. ... $ 2.75 /ea; SALE: $ 1.95 /ea
2394-9282 Left side, from set, 5 points, 1.04 lbs., fresh brown, Gross BC score ~43. Main beam 16.75. Points 1, 9, 2.5, 2.5, 3; beam 4.5, 3.75, 2.5. Unique feature of this antler is that it was broken off , probably in velvet stage, and broken off portion slumped toward base and calcium grew around front healing antler (broken stump can be clearly seen from rear). Has multiple small basal points. Tip of antler is 3 parallel points, one above one below main beam like three candles. Some small velvet on one point. RARE, COLLECTABLE. Have never seen anything like this! ... $ 99.95 /ea; SALE: $ 65.00 /ea
2490-3006 Tines, 8-10" long, hard/brown, #1 quality ... $ 11.50 /ea; SALE: $ 9.95 /ea
2490-3007 Tines, 10-12" long, hard/brown, #1 quality ... $ 15.00 /ea; SALE: $ 12.50 /ea

Feathers and Bird Skins

3010-9992 Mediterranean, mature rooster, complete skin, neck & saddle hackles furnace light centers, stem, wing feathers mix of light gray, white, furnace, bluish gray tail, maribou mix of furnace, light colors, back of neck mix of mostly gold, silver feathers. #1 select quality. Gorgeous skin ... $ 29.95 /ea; SALE: $ 22.50 /ea
3200-0009 Turkey beard, 7-8 " long, dried, #1 quality ... $ 15.00 /ea; SALE: $ 7.50 /ea
3200-0010 Turkey beard, 8-9" long, dried, #1 quality. ... $ 20.00 /ea; SALE: $ 10.00 to $ 15.00 /ea
3200-0058 Turkey beard, 7-8" long, hen beards, thinner than male beards ( less strands), #1 quality ... $ 7.50 /ea; SALE: $ 4.95 /ea
3200-0059 Turkey beard, 8-9" long, hen beard, thinner than male (less strands), #1 quality ... $ 8.50 /ea; SALE: $ 5.00 /ea
3200-0883 Wild, wing pointers, barred, alternating black and white bars, packed 1/8 lbs/pkg, ca. 17 feathers/pkg, #1 quality ... $ 27.50 /pkg; SALE: $ 17.50 /pkg
3200-1001 Wild turkey wings, from male bird, dried, spring plumage, each typically has 8+ pointers, 10+ large rounds, plus smaller rounds, coverts, etc., #1 select quality ... $ 17.50 /ea; SALE: 10+ $ 15.00 /ea
3200-9912 Wings, dried, distal bones intact (no humerus), #1 quality ... $ 10.00 /ea; SALE: $ 6.50 /ea


4050-0082 BLACK BEAR, front half mount, 27.5" from tip of nose to rear of shoulders., black color, ~9x2.25" white area on chest, super, super heavy spring fur, open mouth mount; head turned slightly to left, typical spring fur on brisket, underside of neck. Small white spot on underside of neck. HUGE CLAWS. Nice big bear. Large white area on chest striking. Good taxidermy job. MUST ARRANGE TO PICK UP AT OUR WAREHOUSE. ... $ 999.95 /ea; SALE: 1+ $ 750.00 /ea
4060-0103 Grizzly Bear Rug, 72" long, 74" across shoulder, extra dark chocolate, golden tips of guard hairs, extra super heavy spring fur, open mouth rug, dark chocolate brown felt border, army green back. Few stains on green backing. Few chips off lower lips, nose, mouth/nose need to be repainted. Very well kept, believed to be from 1950s. Sellers uncle kept it in paper barrel with top on it, out of sun. From northern Idaho estate; colored like southern BC grizz. Buyer will be supplied with statement from estate. Really nice grizzly hide. ... $ 4999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 3999.95 /ea
4060-0135 Idaho, MOUNTAIN GOAT RUG, total length ~76" long, NBT = 70", ivory white color, super heavy winter fur, closed mouth rug; huge hide, double felt border, black on pale red. Gross BC score on horns ~43.5. Horns ~8.75" long. Greatest horn width ~5.75", width between horn tips ~5". This is an old rug and the leather tear easily. Both back feet missing. Front right foot has one hoof, one dew claw loose, present. Has been very well kept, nice white color. Has nice fur and is not rubbed like many Mt. Goat hides. This skin can be used for display purposes only, will not withstand tumbling or constant handling. Right ear damaged, repaired ... $ 2500.00 /ea; SALE: $ 999.95 /ea
4060-0136 Idaho. Black bear rug, 70" total length; NTB = 66"; up to 40" wide, extra light golden color, late spring/early summer fur, open mouth rug, HAS FEET & CLAWS. Light tan backing, double felt border (light gold on brown). Professional taxidermy job. This rug was done several decades ago; has been very well kept. Artificial skull in head. The fur on posterior ~18" of hide and rear legs has been shed out and has short summer fur growing in. EXTREMELY RARE COLOR. I have bought fur for 63 years and have only seen a handful this color. VERY RARE. Will look extra nice in a lodge or cabin ... $ 4999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 3500.00 /ea
4060-0139 Idaho. Cougar rug, 96" total length; NTB = 61", 67" width across shoulders, early November quality fur, fresh open mouth rug, HAS FEET & CLAWS. Double felt border, medium brown on dark brown. Padded camoflauge colored back. Nice recent taxidermy job by Master Taxidermist. #1 except few guard hairs missing from ~2 x 1" area on posterior right flank. Guard hairs missing from extra small, extra, extra small areas on both front legskins (fighting scars). Exceptionally nice cougar rug. Huge male cougar ... $ 2750.00 /ea; SALE: $ 2250.00 /ea
4060-0146 Idaho. Cougar. Rug, 93" total length; NTB = 62, medium color, early January quality fur, closed mouth rug, HAS FEET & CLAWS. Pearl white backing. Double felt border ( light tan on extra dark chocolate brown). #1 except couple small areas on sides of neck need to be fastened down); some guard hairs missing from ~2 x 1/2" area just above right front foot. Nice looking rug. ... $ 1500.00 /ea; SALE: $ 1250.00 /ea
4060-0147 GRIZZLY BEAR RUG, Montana origin. Open mouth rug (artificial skull). Claws worth more than rug price, 62" total length; NTB = 58", 72" across front shoulders, killed 9/27/71; South Creek, NF of Blackfoot River, open mouth rug (artificial skull), golden brown color, super, super heavy fur to ~4.5" long. Largest front claws 3+" long. Has double chocolate brown felt border. Extra, extra light greenish color. Taxidermy work done by Lentfer Brothers, Livingston, Montana, have statement dated July 16, 1973. This rug was very well kept, out of sunlight, HAS NOT accumulated dirt and grime. Was illegally taken in Lewis and Clark Count and purchased by a William Sippel on Nov. 16, 72. (We have papers attesting to everything; copies provided. ... $ 2500.00 /ea; SALE: $ 1999.95 /ea


5888-3002 AFRICAN GUNEA, domestic, females, 2.5-2.75 long, commercially nature cleaned, #1 quality ... $ 65.00 /ea; SALE: $ 35.00 /ea
5241-8105 XL, 4.25-4.5" long, professionally BEETLE CLEANED, #1 except very slightly damaged ... $ 72.50 /ea; SALE: $ 59.95 /ea
7895-1649 Mink, XXL, 2.25-2.5" long, professionally cleaned, #1 quality ... $ 3.50 /ea; SALE: $ 2.00 /ea
7895-1650 Mink, XL, 2-2.25 " long, professionally cleaned, #1 quality ... $ 3.00 /ea; SALE: $ 1.75 /ea


5640-9200 Upper Incisors, complete set, from same cougar, 6/pkg, professionally cleaned, , #1 quality ... $ 25.00 /pkg; SALE: $ 15.00 /pkg
5640-9210 Lower Incisors, complete set, from same cougar, 6/pkg, professionally cleaned, #1 quality ... $ 25.00 /pkg; SALE: $ 15.00 /pkg
5750-0008 Canines, medium size, hunter cleaned, #1 quality ... $ 1.00 /ea; SALE: 10+ $ 0.45 to $ 0.90 /ea

Tanned Furs

6055-0001 MUSKRAT, ~2 x 4 ft., dark brown color, extra heavy winter fur, #1 quality. Each plate has 20 #1 quality muskrats. We are selling these plates essentially for the cost of tanning the skins. Gorgeous select quality fur. Good professional tan ... $ 199.95 /ea; SALE: $ 150.00 /ea
6055-0002 RABBIT, domestic, ~2x4", brown "Heather rabbit" color, extra heavy furrier quality fur, #1 select qualty ... $ 149.95 /ea; SALE: $ 99.95 /ea
6055-0003 RABBIT, domestic, ~2x4", chinchilla color, extra heavy furrier quality fur, #1 select qualty ... $ 149.95 /ea; SALE: $ 99.95 /ea
6105-0841 Idaho, 65" total length; NTB = 58; extra wide, medium light brown, gray to light gray underfur, super, extra super heavy spring fur, abdominal cut to base of skull. HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. Two small white spots on chest. #1 except tip of left ear torn, easily repairable; ~1" cut in back, otherwise leather very, very slightly damaged. Tail was cut off, replacement tail provided. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Absolutely gorgeous select quality skin. Exceptionally nice bear. You can bury your hands in the fur on this bear. Very few brown bears this nice ... $ 1999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 1250.00 /ea
6105-0843 Washington; 55" total length; NTB = 50"; extra light golden brown fur on back. "Spirit Bear" color, legs, head, belly extra light brown, super, super heavy early winter fur, abdominal cut to base of skull, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc., fur somewhat thin on underside of head, brisket area, front legskins. Tannery tore off both left feet (are mostly present, can be repaired); 2" tear on right side of snout, can be easily repaired. Nose badly torn, can be repaired, painted. Claws damaged (tannery used staples that protruded through base of claws, these points tore up adjacent claws. Replacement set of claws provided. This is a VERY RARE COLORED BEAR. Can be used for rug or life-size by competent taxidermist. ... $ 1999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 999.95 /ea
6105-0886 Idaho, 61" total length; NTB = 57"; extra wide, black, dark brown snout, ~7x5" gold area on underside of neck, extra super heavy spring fur; abdominal cut, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except easily repairable tannery sewn ~5.25" tear at juncture of upper right lip with fur; ~1.75" cut in right shoulder; otherwise leather very slightly damaged. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Gorgeous select quality fur. Exceptionally nice skin. Nice thick fur. Area on chest makes bear look like Sun Bear. RARE ... $ 2500.00 /ea; SALE: $ 1999.95 /ea
6105-0898 Canada; CUB, 34" long plus tail, black color, extra, extra dark brown snout, super soft baby type fur; super heavy fall fur, abdominal cut to base of skull, small white area on chest; some reddish brown hairs in front of ears. HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except ~3" easily repairable tear on left side of left rear legskin; small tear in front of left eye-hole, small tears in corners if mouth (all easily repairable); otherwise leather very, very slightly damaged. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Gorgeous little bear. Extra nice ... $ 999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 799.95 /ea
6340-0797 Idaho, 88" total length; NTB = 58", dark brown color, thick February quality fur, cased; HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned,, lips split, etc. #1 except two BB size holes in back of neck; two BB size holes in left shoulder area; BB size and pea size hole in back ~between shoulders; pea size hole just behind left shoulder; two BB size holes in anterior back; pea size hole in lower right back. ~3/4" easily repairable cut just anterior of left front legskin; ~1/2" cut at posterior base of left front legskin; ~3/4" cut in anterior right flank. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Gorgeous select quality fur. Nice big cat ... $ 1999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 1250.00 /ea
6340-0829 Idaho, 83 total length; NTB = 53", medium dark color, early November quality fur, abdominal cut to base of skull, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except ~1.5" cut behind left shoulder; nickel size hole to right of base of tail; dime size hole in left hip area; ~5/8" cut in right rear legskin; dime size hole in upper left legskin. Extra small tear in outer edge of right ear. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Gorgeous select quality fur. Beautiful skin ... $ 1250.00 /ea; SALE: $ 999.95 /ea
6450-0039 Ranched, 42-44" long plus tail, dark blackish/brown, super, super, super heavy winter fur, abdominal cut, #1 except 2 X 1.5" bare area on outer edge of left front legskin; proximal ~4" of tail damaged; ~2x1" hole in left side of snout. Gorgeous select quality fur. Beautiful skin ... $ 249.95 /ea; SALE: $ 175.00 /ea
7120-0627 Black cross, males, MATCHED PAIRS, 33-35" long plus tail, medium color; nice bright black colors, super heavy winter fur, cased, MATCHED PAIRS. #1 select quality ... $ 250.00 /pr; SALE: $ 189.95 /pr
7160-1090 Northern Idaho, LM, 13-14" long, extra dark color, extra super heavy winter fur, cased, #1 except leather very slightly damaged. Exceptionally nice skins ... $ 22.50 /ea; SALE: $ 17.50 /ea
7481-0615 Canadian Arctic, 81" total length; NTB = 60"; extra wide skin, white, extra light brown fur on back, black guard hairs, bright white abdomen; pinkish hairs in penis areas, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc . #1 except left dew claw broken off; one claw from left rear foot broken off (replacement provided) ~4.5" and 5" hunter sewn cuts starting on upper left legskin and proceeding towards left shoulder. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Gorgeous select quality fur. Exceptionally nice fur. Beautiful animal. This animal hunted musk oxen and caribou in far north. Tremenous wolf. This was the top Arctic wolf sold at the Canadian fur auctions last year. ... $ 3500.00 /ea; SALE: $ 2500.00 /ea
7481-0617 Canada, 80" total length; NTB = 57"; extra wide skin, medium light golden color; some black guard hairs, extra super heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except leather very slightly damaged (few scattered small/extra small knife cuts). SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Gorgeous select quality fur. Beautiful skin. RARE COLOR.. White to light gold abdomen ... $ 1999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 1450.00 /ea
7481-0623 Alberta, Canada, 83" total length; NTB 60". Extra extra wide, dark blackish/brown, suiper, super heavy winter fur, cased, skin is ~21" across hips. HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. Fish and Game Dept put metal tag through right eye-hole and enlarged eye-hole. Skilled taxidermist can repair this. #1 except leather very, very slightly damaged.SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Looks similar to wolves you see on TV in the Yukon River country. Huge alpha male wolf. Exceptionally nice select quality fur ... $ 1999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 1499.95 /ea
7481-0626 Northern Canada, 80" total length; NTB = 58, light brown, whitish abdomen, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except two ~1/2" cuts in leather; small bare area between toes on right front legskin (hardly noticeable). SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Gorgeous select quality fur. Exceptionally nice skin. Beautiful ... $ 1500.00 /ea; SALE: $ 1050.00 /ea
7505-0304 Alaska, 48" total length; NTB = 35", dark brown to extra brown back, white underfur on flanks, hips, posterior back, extra super heavy winter fur; cased, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 except nickel size bare spot on right front legskin; small tear in front and rear of right eye-hole. Metal CITES tag in left eye-hole,with result that eye-hole enlarged to nickel size. RARE COLOR; wolverine with white underfur are very, very rare. Gorgeous select quality fur ... $ 999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 850.00 /ea
7506-0082 Canada, 52" total length; NTB = 38", medium dark color, super, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, three white toes on left front foot. HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 select quality. Gorgeous select quality fur. Has extra light gold spotting underside of neck and brisket area. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Exceptionally nice big male wolverine. Beautiful skin ... $ 1500.00 /ea; SALE: $ 1195.00 /ea
7506-0083 Canada, 53" total length; NTB = 39"; extra wide skin, dark color, extra super heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. #1 select quality. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE. Has scattered silver hairs on neck and head. Beautiful pattern of golden spotting on underside of neck, brisket area. Very, very few hairs missing from base of tail (not noticeable to untrained eye). ... $ 999.95 /ea; SALE: $ 799.95 /ea


7825-1401 Glass beads, transparent light blue, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140841 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1402 Glass beads, steel blue, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140842 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1403 Glass beads, blue, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140848 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1405 Glass beads, transparent yellow, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140852 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1407 Glass beads, transparent amber, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140861 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1410 Glass beads, pale blue, transparent, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140865 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1411 Glass beads, sky blue, transparent, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140866 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1414 Glass beads, transparent orange, round, 6 mm (~¼"), ~50-75/pkg, hand made in India, #140873 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1416 Glass beads, clear, tan center, triangles, 6 mm (~¼"), 9/pkg, hand made in India, #140878 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1417 Glass beads, transparent green, triangles, 6 mm (~¼"), 9/pkg, hand made in India, #140885 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1418 Glass beads, transparent blue, triangles, 6 mm (~¼"), 9/pkg, hand made in India, #140886 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1421 Fancy glass beads, clear with blue and gold, oval, 15 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140601 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1422 Fancy glass beads, transparent blue, speckled, round, 8 mm, 7/pkg, hand made in India, #140612 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1423 Fancy glass beads, transparent green, speckled, round, 8 mm, 5/pkg, hand made in India, #140615 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1425 Fancy glass beads, transparent pale green, round, 8 mm, 5/pkg, hand made in India, #140625 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1426 Fancy glass beads, clear smooth disks, blue and brown cords, 20 mm, 2/pkg, hand made in India, #140626 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1427 Fancy glass beads, clear ridged disks, multi-colored cords, 20 mm, 2/pkg, hand made in India, #140637 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1428 Fancy glass beads, clear, green centers, straight barrell, 14 mm, 2/pkg, hand made in India, #140648 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1429 Fancy glass beads, clear oblong disks, red and blue inside, flat lozenge, 16 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140681 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1430 Fancy glass beads, clear cylinders, red-green-blue pattern inside, whisper, 20 mm, 5/pkg, hand made in India, #140686 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1431 Fancy glass beads, knobby tubes, black-gold-black pattern inside, 15 mm, 7/pkg, hand made in India, #140690 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1432 Fancy glass beads, clear, green-orange-green pattern inside, flower speckles, round, 14 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140704 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1433 Fancy glass beads, white with red, yellow, blue and brown stripes, teardrop shape, 30 mm long, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140745 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1434 Fancy glass beads, transparent golden brown, black wavey stripe, round, 10 mm, 7/pkg, hand made in India, #140747 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1435 Fancy glass beads, transparent red, with white and yellow flowers, round, 14 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140771 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1436 Fancy glass beads, clear oblong disks, blue stripes, colored specks, flat lozenge, 18 mm, 5/pkg, hand made in India, #140775 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1437 Fancy glass beads, clear oblong disks, red stripes, colored specks, flat lozenge, 18 mm, 5/pkg, hand made in India, #140777 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1438 Fancy glass beads, clear oblong disks, yellow and light blue stripes, flat lozenge, 18 mm, 5/pkg, hand made in India, #140782 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1439 Fancy glass beads, orange barrels, gold spiral stripe, 16 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140788 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1440 Fancy glass beads, white with yellow, red and brown patterns, oval, 18 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140790 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1441 Fancy glass beads, clear with red, brown and yellow leaf patterns, round, 15 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140821 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg
7825-1442 Fancy glass beads, clear with yellow, red and brown trim, red dots, round, 15 mm, 3/pkg, hand made in India, #140833 ... $ 1.00 /pkg; SALE: 10+ $ 0.75 /pkg


7875-8181 Rabbit, domestic, smaller size pieces, mixed colors, 2 oz/pkg, #1 quality ... $ 3.50 /pkg; SALE: $ 2.95 /pkg
7955-0175 Large sage/cedar bundles, 7-8" long, ~1.25-1.5" diameter, #1 select quality ... $ 4.95 /ea; SALE: $ 3.95 /ea
7990-0282 Cougar feet, bony/meaty part, fur skinnned off, dried; excess meat removed, #1 quality. Lots of good finger type bones ... $ 9.95 /ea; SALE: $ 3.95 to $ 6.50 /ea
7990-0704 Snapping turtle feet, rears, have 4 claws, XL/XXL sizes, skinned out, dried, #1 quality ... $ 5.95 /ea; SALE: $ 4.50 /ea

Specials | Items Under $2 | Items $2 to $5 | Items $5 to $10

85 records found at 3/23/2025 16:03 Pacific Time