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Tanned Furs

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Picture of this lot Tanned Moose Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Idaho, ~77" long, ~68 wide at widest area; 40" sq. ft., dark blackish/brown color, late September quality fur, abdominal cut, #1 except ~3" cut in posterior right outer flank; silver dollar size hole in anterior right flank; otherwise leather very, very slightly damaged. ~5.5 x up to 1" wide longitudinal bare area just posterior of right shoulder (surrounding hairs cover nicely); probably from battle during rut. This is an exceptionally nice big old bull hide ... $1275.00 /eafur room

More about this lot > Tanned Moose Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 records found at 12/21/2024 5:17 Pacific Time

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