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Tanned Furs

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Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Canadian Arctic, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, gray color with light golden hues, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, etc. Has outside of lip present. May be suitable for rug or life-size by Master Taxidermist. #1 except ~4" by up to 1.5" wide bare area on posterior right side of abdomen. Super soft fur. Underfur on back wooly. Tail slightly weak. This color phase usually occupies coastal areas where they blend in with rocks and cliffs. VERY RARE COLOR. 1% or less of Arctic fox are of this color phase. ... $550.00 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Eastern Arctic, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, select white color, super soft, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, #1 except leather very slightly damaged. One of those of those fox that bounce around in the Far North stealing tidbits from the Polar Bears. Beautiful fox ... $175.00 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Alaska, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, #1 white color, super soft, super, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, underfur on back slightly wooly. #1 except leather very slightly damaged. Very Slight off-color abdomen .One of those of those fox that bounce around in the Far North stealing tidbits from the Polar Bears. Beautiful fox. ... $150.00 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Eastern Arctic, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, #1 select white color with some black hairs, super soft, extra super heavy early winter fur, cased, hunter kept this skin around for a year with a result that residues on leather oxidized; coloration from oxidation remain. Leather may tear more easily that fresh skins. #1 except pea size hole in back of neck. Beautiful bright white belly. Would make good specimen skin, wall hanger, etc. ... $85.00 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Alaskan, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, #1 white color, super soft, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, front of ears peeled. #1 select quality. One of those beautiful white foxes that liven on the pack ice with the polar bears. You see them on the TV nature shows running round stealing tidbits of seal scraps from the polar bear ... $175.00 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Alaskan, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, #1 white color, super soft, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, #1 except ~3/8" cut in underside of anterior neck; extra small cut in outer left shoulder. One of those beautiful white foxes that lived on the pack ice with the polar bears. You see them on the TV nature shows running round stealing tidbits of seal scraps from the polar bear ... $169.95 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Alaskan, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, #1 select quality fur, super soft, super, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, #1 select quality. Exceptionally nice skin. Beautiful. One of those beautiful white fox that lived on the pack ice with the polar bears. You see them on the TV shows running around stealing tidbits of seal scraps from the polar bears. ... $199.95 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Alaskan, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, #1 white ordinary color, super soft, super, super heavy winter fur, cased, #1 except leather very slightly damaged. Underfur on back somewhat wooly. One of those foxes that lived on the pack ice with the polar bears. You see them on the TV shows running around stealing tidbits of seal scraps from the polar bears. ... $75.00 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins

Picture of this lot Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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1 Eastern Arctic, XL, 28-30" long plus tail, #1 select color, extra super heavy winter fur, cased, #1 except leather very slightly damaged. Gorgeous select quality fur. Exceptionally nice. Beautiful skin ... $149.95 /eaFR-345

More about this lot > Tanned Arctic White Fox Hides, Furs, Pelts, Skins
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