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Tanned Furs : GRIZZLY BEAR

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Lot # 6140-0064

Canada. Northwest Territories. Canadian CITES 21CA02844/CWHQ
86" total length; NTB = 82"up to ~55" wide
extra, extra dark brown; almost black
fur ~1.5 - 2" long early fall fur
abdominal cut to base of skull
HAS THREE FEET, no claws (right front foot missing). EARS TURNED, lips split, etc. Fur on rear underside of head, on neck/brisket area weak. #1 except leather very, very, very slightly damaged. Few hairs missing from rear edge of shoulders (not readily noticeable because of dark color of bear). GOOD CAPE

$1999.95 /eafur room

Quantity Available: 0 ea

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