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Lot # 6105-0892

Canada. DARK GRAY COLOR. VERY RARE COLOR. Once in a life-time skin
66" total length; NTB = 60
dark steel gray color; light gray underfur
extra super heavy early winter fur
abdominal cut to base of skull
HAS FEET & CLAWS, ears turned, lips split, etc. Hunter made several cuts in brisket area; base of front legs/brisket area will require considerable repair effort (we believe it is all there?). Skinny type ~2.5 year old bear. Leather very sl. damaged. SUITABLE FOR RUG OR LIFE-SIZE by competent professional taxidermist. EXCEEDING RARE COLOR. We have seen tens of thousands of bear skins in 63 years of fur buying and have never seen a bear colored like this. Probably from Western Canada.

$5000.00 /eaunder FRT

Quantity Available: 1 ea

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