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Antlers and Horns : MOOSE - Taxidermy Sets

Lot # 2060-0157

        Points Right: 11
         Points Left: 15
      Greatest Width: 48.5
     Greatest Height: 34.25
  Width Between Tips: 34
Gross BC score ~181.75; Greatest width = 48.5; 11 pts. right , 15 pts. left; palm width 9.75" right, 13.5" left; length of palm 35 right, 35.5 left, stem 6.75" each side

Alaska set, wide cup shaped shovels with 4 pts left, 5 points right. 10.5" tine comes off backside of junction between proximal end of palm and brow tine. Distal ~17" of rear edge of left palm furrowed like "v" shaped creek. #1 except major chip off center tine on brown tine right; extra small chip off second brow tine point from outside. Huge bull. Very nice looking set. Total weight = 31.02 lbsTag 21365

$1500.00 /eaU4N

Quantity Available: 1 ea

< Previous lot 3/25/2025 19:28 Pacific Time Next lot >

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