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Antlers and Horns : MULE DEER - Taxidermy Sets

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Lot # 2030-0609

        Points Right: 5
         Points Left: 7
      Greatest Width: 23.5
     Greatest Height: 21.25
  Width Between Tips: 17
Gross BC Score ~ 180 Right: Main Beam 23.75; Tines 1, 15, 11, 10.5; Beam 4.75, 4.5, 3.75, 3.75. Left: Main Beam 25.75; Tines 1.75, 15, 10.5, 8.5; Beam 4.75, 4.25, 3.5, 3.75. Inside Spread 20.5

extra super heavy, dark brown, matched, even 4x4 plus brow tines plus 1.75" kicker on outside of G2 left, two 1" kickers off outside edge of G3 right. Mouned on nice placque, black plastic covers skull plate, gold rope around antler just below rosettes. #1 except small chip off back of G2 right, extra small chip off back of G3 right. Tag# 14405. Exceptionally nice set; gorgeous! Massive big old buck!

$499.95 /setU4/5S

Quantity Available: 1 set

< Previous lot 3/28/2025 19:19 Pacific Time Next lot >

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