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Antlers and Horns

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Picture of this lot Elk Antler Sides
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0.38 lb / 1 Piece Spike sides, sheds, tips removed, super hard antler, multiple nodules along edges., #1 quality ... $20.00 /lbS-537

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6.88 lb / 17 Pieces Spike antlers, from sets, single sides, #1 brown color, #1 quality ... $24.50 /lbS-552

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0.76 lb / 3 Pieces Spike antlers, sheds, single sides, #1 brown color, #1 except very slightly damaged ... $22.50 /lbS-559

More about this lot > Elk Antler Sides


0.84 lb / 1 Piece Spike type antlers with 2-3 points, from sets, single sides, #1 brown color, #1 quality ... $24.50 /lbS-559

More about this lot > Elk Antler Sides


2.64 lb / 2 Pieces Spike type antlers with 2-3 pts., from sets, single sides, hard brown, #1 except very slightly damaged ... $22.00 /lbS-546

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100.04 lbs Hard brown sides, from sheds/sets, some tines, rosettes may be removed, #1 quality. Antlers selected for dog chews, craft projects, etc. Order will include complete sides, some beam pieces, some tines. Call for special needs of #1 antlers. Will cut to your length specifications. Minimum order 10 lbs. These antlers will not have the cut edges sanded ... $24.00 /lbpile

More about this lot > Elk Antler Sides


61.94 lbs One side hard brown to hard light brown, one side hard white, few to some cracks, some tines, rosettes may be removed, #1 quality. Good hard antler. Antlers for dog chews. Antlers selected for dog chews, etc. Will cut to length specs. Specify how many lbs you wish. Order will include both beams and tines ... $15.00 /lbS-634

More about this lot > Elk Antler Sides


13.54 lbs Hard white, with cracks, may be slightly discolored, some tines, rosettes may be removed, #1 quality. Antlers for dog chews. Antlers selected for dog chews, etc. Will cut to length specs. Order will include both beams and tines ... $15.00 /lbS-632

More about this lot > Elk Antler Sides


7.06 lbs Hard brown sides, from sheds/sets, some tines, rosettes may be removed, #1 except some scattered surface rodent chews. Antlers selected for dog chews, etc. Will cut to length specs. Specify how many lbs. you wish. Order will include both beams and tines ... $15.00 /lbS-633

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27.46 lbs Hard white, some cracks, some faint algae stain, antlers selected for dog chews, etc. Will cut to length specs. Indicate how many lbs. you wish. Order will incude both tines and beams ... $7.50 /lbS-612

More about this lot > Elk Antler Sides


67.26 lbs Fresh hard brown, 4-5-6 pointers, sheds, #1 select quality. These are the exceptional sides that can be used for chandeliers, furniture, etc. We get very few perfect sides and these are them! Call and let us know your needs ... $29.95 /lbS-636

More about this lot > Elk Antler Sides


35.08 lbs SIDES, some complete, some incomplete, may have tines/rossettes missing, rodent damage, etc., straight run, may cut larger sizes for shipping. Good for craft work, etc. #3 quality; these are the white, weathered type antlers. May have some algae stains/ velvet remains. Some velvet sides. May be some misc. brown sides that are chewed, stained, etc. Good for xerascaping, etc. ... $6.50 /lb, as low as $4.75 /lb in quantityUnd S St

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7.02 lbs SQUIRREL ANTLERS, incomplete sides, white, weathered to hard brown, will be broken, chewed, cracked pieces, cut pieces plus naturally broken, chewed, etc, some may have been in forest/range fires; includes few moose pieces as well. Good for feeding squirrels, etc. ... $1.50 /lbUn Stair S

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Picture of this lot Elk Antler Sides
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1 Right side, shed, 4 points, 3.58 lbs, fresh hard brown color, beam takes ~180 degree turn to right ~5"above base; then grows ~9" , then has thick ~2.25" tine extending from end of beam. G1 ~9" long, G2 ~18.5" long, has gentle "S" shape, G3 ~22.25" long. This is very unusual configuration for an elk side; can be used for that special project such as lamp, furniture, etc. Tag 21371 ... $175.00 /eaTable U5C

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14 records found at 3/29/2025 17:39 Pacific Time

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