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Antlers and Horns
ELK - Taxidermy Sets

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Picture of this lot Elk Trophy Antler Sets Pairs
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8 7 est. 50 est. 43" est. 21

Gross BC score ~285,.5 plus inside spread 35" = ~320.5. Right: Main beam 45; tines 14.5, 13, 11.5, 13.75, 6.5; kicker tine 10.25; beam 8, 5.75, 5.25, 5.25. Left: Main beam 48; tines 14, 13.5, 11.5, 16, 14; kicker tiner 5; 7.75, 5.75, 5.5, 5.75.

fresh hard brown, from set. 15.08 lbs. Right side 7 typical points plus 10.25" kicker off outside base of G4; left side 6 typical points plus 5" kicker off outside of G4. #1 select quality. Gorgeous set. Exceptionally nice. Nice ivory tips. Tag 19938. Rare set with matching kickers both sides. ... $1999.95 /eaU4N

More about this lot > Elk Trophy Antler Sets Pairs

Picture of this lot Elk Trophy Antler Sets Pairs
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6 6 est. 42" est. 49" est. 23"

Gross BC score ~271.75 plus est. spread of 35 = 306.75 Right: Main beam 51"; tines 12.75, 12.5, 12.75,13.5, 8; beam 7, 6 ,6.25, 6. Left: Main beam 51"; tines 12.25, 14, 15, 11.5, 7; beam 7.25, 6, 6 ,6.

fresh brown, super heavy, 20.8 lbs. From set. #1 select quality. Nice ivory tips. Gorgeous set. Huge bull. Tag 19933 ... $950.00 /eaU4N

More about this lot > Elk Trophy Antler Sets Pairs

Picture of this lot Elk Trophy Antler Sets Pairs
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6 7 34.5 38.5 29.5

Gross BC score ~297. Right: Main beam 42; tines 16, 18, 16.5, 12, 6.75; beam 7.75, 5.75, 5.25, 5.25. Left: Main beam 41.25; tines 15.5, 19.75, 11.75, 12.25, 6.5; beam 7, 5.75, 5.25, 5.5. Inside spread 30.25. ~2" kicker off outer edge of G4 left.

VELVET COVERED. Some velvet missing from backside of G3 left, backside near tip of main beam left. Small area bare on tip of each main beam, tip of G5 left. Exceptionally symmetrical. Few sets with natural velvet this nice. ~11.5 lbs. Tag 19339 ... $499.95 /eaU4N

More about this lot > Elk Trophy Antler Sets Pairs

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3 records found at 3/29/2025 17:39 Pacific Time

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